Monday, 8 August 2016


  Barong is a traditional Balinese dances are characterized by the mask and costume bodies that can be worn by one or two people to menarikannya. In Bali there are several types of barong like Barong Ket, Barong Bangkal, Barong Landung, Barong Macan, Barong Gajah, Barong Asu, Barong Brutuk, Barong Lembu, Barong Kedingkling, Barong Kambing, dan Barong Gagombrangan.

  Barong bali as the metamorphosis of Reog ponorogo, by the king Airlangga time of displaced to island Bali for salvage yourself. In Development The reog ponorogo changed form and the story fits the condition of society in bali devoted to religious activities.

   Influence are at can on barong bali could in see in form barong ponorogo appearing without a Crown of Peacock (cats) and on of mask of Rangda can of influence  from mask bujang ganong. As well as a group of people who are steeped in the science of supernatural  power in the elderly who got influence on the behaviour of the real activities of the warok young and old warok sakti mandraguna which is currently still awake in Ponorogo, though such activities are currently closed for certain people certain.

Types of Barong in Bali :

1. Barong Ket atau Barong Keket

   Barong Ket is a combination form between a lion, Tiger, cow and the Dragon. The body of Barong ket adorned with leather of carving who intricate and hundreds of small-sized mirror glass. Glass-glass mirror it like gems and looks glistening  when the of overwritten light.  Fleece Barong Ket made from a combination of perasok (fibre leaves a type of plant of pandanus ) and oil. There is also replacing Palm fiber with Crow feathers.Barong Ket performed by two dancers called juru Bapang or juru Saluk. juru bapang the first of dancing part head, juru Bapang other on its tail.

2. Barong Landung
  Barong Landung performed by one person. There is a hole in the part abdomen as the view of the dancers. In some places in Bali, Barong Landung also exists which is not only a pair. Barong-barong was given the role of the  Mantri (King), Galuh (Empress), Limbur (maidens) and so on. if you look barong landung almost alike with Ondel-ondel who situated in Jakarta.

3. Barong Bangkal

   Barong resembling the adult pigs. In Bali, the adult male pig called bangkal, whereas the females are named bangkung. That's why Barong type of this , also known with the Barong Bangkung. Usually the Barong Bangkal staged by way of ngelelawang or dancing from door to door driving around the village at the time of the feast of Galungan-kuningan.

4. Barong Macan
  As the name implies, this barong resembles a Macan. This type of barong is quite popular among people of Bali. Staging the  barong this alike with barong bangkal , namely ngelawang toured the village. sometimes staging this barong is equipped with some kind of dramatari Arja (traditional Balinese opera).

5. Barong Brutuk
    Barong Brutuk dance types include rare performed only at special moment. this Barong has a more primitive form compared to the other types of Balinese barong. This barong mask made from coconut shell and a costume made of keraras or banana leaves that have already dried. Barong is symbolic of the sacred beings (the accompanist Ratu Pancering Jagat) that the palace in temple Pancering Jagat, Trunyan.

Quoted from wikipedia Indonesia language.


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