In the tradition of Hinduism in Bali in particular, when a child starts to teenager or adult is obligated to carry out the ceremony of the Tooth. Tooth or ceremony which usually also referred to by the term Mepandes, or Mesangih is a great ceremony Bhatara meaning to find the true human nature apart from the bondage of darkness from the influence of a very Sad in man.
A very sad is the six types of enemies that arises from the nature of karma or asubha deeds that are not good in man itself, namely:
- Kama, lustful nature indriya.
- Lobha, grasping and greedy nature.
- Krodha, ruthless nature, and Crabby.
- Mada, drunk and infatuation
- Moha, confused and arrogant.
- Matsarya, the nature of envy and irihati.
Physical properties Ready Metatah (tooth)
The ceremony was part of a Tooth Manusa Yadnya, which in fact if physical characteristics are already treading a teenager can carry out the ceremony of the Tooth. Its characteristics are as follows:
- In women it can be done after getting the first menstruation.
- In men can be performed after changing the sound.
The Purpose Of The Ceremony Of The Tooth
- Remove dirt in the form of kala, bhuta, they and the Giants in the sense of body and soul is covered by Sad ripu figure so that it can find the true human nature.
- To be reunited with the father and the mother have been sacred intangibles
- To avoid punishment in the hell later dropped by Lord Yamadipati be bite the base of petung bamboo. It is stated in the Ejection Atmaprasangsa.
- Fulfill the obligation of parents to their children to become a true human being.
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